Friday, December 17, 2010

Action Script- Getting started- part 2

這是昨天Action Script 課的內容。 我今天想練習,就自己再做一次。


Here is a small exercise that we've done in class and that I've tried to reproduce at home.

The objective of the course was to integrate the buttons on the scene to:
- move the crab to the left/ right/up/down
- to increase/ decrease its size (with a max/min)
- to add /remove alpha on the crab

I kinda screw up the alpha part, as I didn't succeed to actually add a limit to the (-alpha), but you can still decrease/ increase it.
Anyway, the rest is working...fine.

Voici un petit exercice qu'on a fait en cours d'action script hier. J'ai fait mon possible pour le reproduire.

L'objectif du cours était d'intégrer les boutons sur la scène. Les fonctions suivantes ont donc été codées:
Au clic:
-le crabe se déplace à gauche et à droite/ en haut et en bas
-augmentation/ réduction de sa taille;
-ajouter/ réduire Alpha;

J'ai eu quelques problèmes en essayant d'ajouter une limite pour l'alpha, du coup cette fonctionnalité n'apparait pas. Mais bon, l'essentiel est que le reste fonctionne.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Action Script- Let's start with the basics...

我上個禮拜開始ActionScript的課。我們在巨匠學很簡單AS3的功能。只有15個小時,就課的內容不多。我自從要自己學,自己練習。下面是第一個“挑戰”。因為有很多很多功能我還沒有學的,我在網路找資訊(tutorial /forums)。真很辛苦。。。但是很有興趣!

I finally started my first AS3 courses last week. So far we've been through few basics functionalities (how to make a play button work, to code a drag and drop function, etc. Within the few hours of class we probably won't be able to go very far, but it's actually good to dive into something you don't know at all, learn some stuffs and then find out the rest by yourself. Especially with a soft such as AS3, with all the tools (script assistant/code snippets, etc.) designed to help programming newbies such as me.
As from now, I'll learn by myself and try to complete a small challenge (or few, who knows), every week and post the result right here.

The following .swf is the result of my first challenge (thanks Arnaud), which was the following:
- making the first square (purple) move, only by code;
-click at any moment on the square, make it disappear, and another square (red) appears moving to the right...

It looks like nothing and it's only few lines of codes but it's a lot for someone who knew absolutely nothing about programming. And I still don't...

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

I am shocked...

Ok this has nothing to do with Game Design but I just had to share this.
As I was looking around in Chaozhou, I just tumbled on a... Cafe, and check this out... the cafe and I share the same name, 達米安, or Damian, the English version of Damien in French. Well actually I used to be called like this when I was in Taiwan three years ago but I changed it officially for 佘米恩but it doesn't really matter. This is... surprising and quite odd.
As you'll find on the sign, the Eiffel Tower along with the Big wheel...and some French "Le café de Damian"... which basically means that there is another French Damien in town...A small freaking town in the south of Taiwan (50 000 inhabitants). Wow life is really full of coincidences.
And yep it also means that I have the exclusivity no more... What a shame...


Tuesday, November 2, 2010

T'es où Théo? Where are you Théo? 小米, 你在哪裡!

T'es où Théo, le jeu, c'est la version online interactive de la série télé québecoise du même nom, uniquement disponible en français (pour le moment en tout cas)
T'es ou Théo the game is the interactive version of the Canadian TV series of the same name. The web site is only available in French (at least for now)

J'ai designé une dizaine de mini-jeux au gameplay et thèmes variés, lorsque j'étais chez ODD1 à Montréal. Pour le moment, il n'y a que 2 mini-jeux online, le prochain release est dû pour mi-novembre.
I have designed 10 mini-games when I was still working at Odd1, in Montreal. For now, only 2 mini games have been released, more will come very soon.

Bon, ne vous attendez pas à un jeu pour hardcore gamer, on est sur du 3-5 ans là.
It's not a game made for Hardcore gamer, our target audience is 3 to 5 years old (preschoolers).

Chaque jeu a été designé pour convenir à son public, du coup, simplicité/ usability, rejouabilité et fun sont les maître-mots.
Each game has been designed, thoroughly thought to match the likes/dislikes and skills of its audience- the mini games are easy to play, fun and most of all, replayable.
Mon préféré des deux mini-jeux est le cochon glouton... un jeu de course / parcours 2D side scrolling dans lequel le joueur contrôle un porcinet rose qui sue quand il court et qui doit collecter la nourriture sur son chemin avant de passer la ligne d'arrivée. Simple, et pas mal efficace. L'essentiel est que les enfants s'éclatent dessus (pas littéralement...).
My favourite so far is "le cochon glouton" that we could translate by "The gluttonous pig" (doesn't sound good though...) It's a 2d race side scrolling game in which the player controls a piglet. Small piglet has to collect as much food as possible while dodging the various obstacles on his way.

Monday, November 1, 2010

Spliced is finally back online!

After few weeks (shall we say months?) of absence, due to... let's say technical issues, Spliced is back on!

I'm pointing this out since this game is actually my first BIG game design, and even if I would change a lot of things if I could (as every game designer would do), I'm pretty proud of it. Hey we even got an award! Teletoon Most Awesome Game Ever! Go check it out!

This made my day...

3ds Max 的上課-耐心耐心

十二月二十八日要開始3ds Max 遊戲動畫設計認證班。我不想等那麼久!
這是那個課程大綱:(很有趣)- 72個小時的課程。

Still a month and a half to go before the beginning of my 3DS Max Game Animation Design program! I got the course outline, and it looks very interesting. I have absolutely no idea how much I'm going to learn within those 72 hours, but looks like we are going to study every aspect of 3D animation, as it is mentioned in the outline.
- Basic operations/Props/Game scene build/Game items (weapons/ barrels, etc.), Mapping/Topography (Terrain, plants, trees, etc)/Buildings, and object integration- for the first session
-The second session will focus on character modeling and animation: texture mapping/ bones/ the whole thing based on martial art fighting scene.

It's gonna be tough, but there's soooo much to learn. Can't wait.

IIllustrator course- Logo

Here's a logo we had to design in class using Illustrator. The objective was to use the various tools we had learned so far.

Since we use the traditional Chinese version of the soft in class, the hardest part is to remember all the tools we have been using. The easiest, to reproduce the content of the course, at home, using my version of Illustrator (in English). The content of the course is also taught in Chinese which is, actually, quite fine. (you get used to it).

However it's freaking hard to use a software that is written in a language that you do not master, especially when it is in Chinese... You can't possibly read a word when you just don't know the characters it is made of...

To give an example of what exactly happened during the first courses (and it still happens...): during a Flash class... For your information, I use "___" for each Chinese word I don't know.

Me- (I just forgot where the bloody "path" tool is, in the numerous tabs of the UI)

---"Hey, madam, could you please help me find the___(path tool), to modify the ___(the trajectory of my character) because I just can't find it in the ___(User Interface)

With some luck, it ends with my teacher taking hold of my computer and just showing me where to find it... Or if it's a really bad day (occurs all the time), she will try to explain me, just with WORDS, you know, those words in Chinese that I still did not learn. And how does it end? By me saying "Ohoh ok ok, hao le, hao le, xie xie..." (which means "thanks a lot for helping me, even if I just did not get a word of what you were saying,I'll just wait here and die of shame while you go on with your course...")

Yep, class is fun here.


My first post! 第一個文章!

And it's just below...
Regarde en bas !